Sunday, June 6, 2010


Here I am sitting with my laptop working my way through, listening to some Bengali track. And how much I wish that I could go back to those times, and just live those moments once more. I am quite sure we all would want to go back to those school days (save a few, of whom I would rather not speak).
Add to that, the last time I checked the “Science Frontier”, we surely hadn’t come up with any sorta time machine. And what exactly would it look like,I mean m not talking of those conventional asshole “Love story 2050” type one’s. Am talking logic and science and time space equation along with. And m not ruling out space bending theory as well.

Hmmm.. but then I would question myself, whats the point of taking up so much of trouble. Yes, now that we come to the point. Why on earth would i take sooo much of trouble to go all the way to those years?? Not that m not having much fun now!! However the logical deduction comes around to the point that its not about that fun, but only getting rid of all this responsibilities. C’mon, now haven’t we all been dying to grow up, and have our live all to ourself!!

Admit it people..!!  Its true!! We have lived to grow up and and we now wanna go back back to those times. Had I been, but an distant observer. I would point my fingers at you all and laugh my ass off nd say “What fuckin frickle minded guys these are!!”

But as the scenario presents itself,m one among you in this play as well. Now come to think about it, its not all about that fun, but also those few things we always thought wish we could get it right. I guess almost all of us have got that secret, that secret craving for having making that thing right, no matter whatever it be.  May be getting that xam paper right or perhaps getting to take the right decision for college or course, or maybe not letting that special one go. Yes, just letting that person know how much important she was. Just forgetting that self inflating ego at that point of time. Just being there with her, and not with some stupid project person, and just not giving it up by just saying that Long distance relationships don really work! It all rotates around that tiny winy “just”.

Someone said, “The one that goes away always looks good”.

So, should we just let go. Hoping to forget all that and still stalking their profile on Facebook. Wondering whether to hit that “Send friendship request” window!

Tell you what. We humans are indeed a pathetically funny lot. All bloody single one of us. Hell I got shit load work to do, we know tomorrow morning its going to be the same routinely affair, yet we console ourself thinking of those older times. Funny lot we humans are!

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