Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Love knows no words

Yes, that is something i learned the other day, perhaps more appropriate would be "Saw" the other day.
It all happened at the bus stand near CP. It had already been a pretty tiresome day, and i was pretty much pissed off at every single people around me, for apparently no particular reason at all, or maybe perhaps they were there. However,still I was there waiting for my bus, and my eyes fell on this couple laughing up at something. I would have passed on them just like any other people. But it was something that caught my attention. They were not speaking to each other, I mean not in literary terms, but no they were not speaking. They were using the tactful movement of there fingers and hand to communicate with each other.

Yeah, something like this. I really don't know what this sort of communication is rather called, but it must have a name. I take a mental note of Googling about it later. But at that point of time, I just stare away at those two people, laughing at each other's joke, so much unaware of the world around them.
If two people, who cant speak or hear, can love so much, why can't we, the so called "NORMAL" people, who can speak and speak and speak so much, cannot ooze out a tiny amount of love. Isn't is amazing the quantity of things we keep on saying. Yet we're all so far away from the basic reality of humanity.
So then, what about all those writings and songs and lyrics! We try out so much and so many things to show our Love, yet i this process of show-off, we forget the small truth of expressing our love.

This, and a lot more thoughts washed over me standing there. Finally my bus had arrived, people rush to it, yet now, am no longer irritated or pissed of. I quietly let the other man to board first.
Fact is, if two people who cant speak or hear, can love so much. Then why can't we being able to do so (I mean more or less) show that little bit of compassion expected of us.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Balanced and Un-Balanced Audio

What is Un-Balanced Audio?

Un-balanced audio is what is found in typical home stereo.
An unbalanced line uses one wire for the signal and another for the ground. Unlike balanced lines, unbalanced lines use the ground for signal return. In typical unbalanced cables, the ground is the cable shield.

Traditional unbalanced cables that we see, uses two lines to transmit the audio signal- a hot line i.e. which carries the signal and the earth line. So this is all that is required to transmit the audio and is common in short cables ( where noise is less of a problem).

Unbalanced work best allowing an audio signal to pass from one piece of equipment to the next with minimal interference. However, they have the drawback of picking up undesirable noise and hum.

What is Balanced Audio?

Balance audio is a method of minimizing unwanted noise from interference in audio cables. The idea is that any interference picked up in a balanced cable is eliminated at the point where the cable plugs into a Sound Mixer or other equipment.

Balance audio uses the method of interconnecting audio equipment using impedance balanced lines. Balanced Audio uses a cable made up of two conductors that are twisted together and surrounded by an overall shield. The basic idea being that each conductor is connected to impedance at each end of the line. The audio on the two conductors is exactly the same, except that one of the conductors has the audio inverted at the source piece of equipment. The input of the destination equipment inverts the Inverted audio and sums the two channels together.

Balanced audio cables use an extra line, and consist of a hot(positive), cold line (negative) and earth.

The audio signal is transmitted on both the hot and cold lines, but the voltage in the cold line is inverted (i.e. the polarity is changed) so it is negative when the hot signal is positive. These two signals are often referred to as being 180 degrees out of phase with each other but this is technically incorrect – the signals are not actually out of phase, they are opposite polarities, i.e. one signal is effectively flipped upside down rather being delayed 180 degrees.

When the cable is plugged into an input equipment, the Hot and Cold signals are combined. Normally one would expect these two signals to cancel each other out, but at the input stage the inversion is reversed before being merged together, so they actually combine to form a stronger signal.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Bondhu mane misti mukh r
Misti sukher smriti,
Bondhu mane dukhkhe-sukhe-
Maniye nebar riti.

Bondhu mane odhel hasi
Ogadh astha r,
Bondhu mane vorsha kore
Laghob kora bhar.

Bondhu mane moner manush
Moner kachhakachhi,
Bondhu mane sokol kotha
Bolte bhalobasi.

Bondhu mane somobyathi
Ekla chola noy,
Bondhu mane hath bariye
Hath dhorte hoy.

Bondhu mane 'amar' chhere
'Moder' bolte sekha,
Bondhu mane bishwa majhe
Keu noyto eka.

 Jus an ode to all those guys, with whom i grew up! Learned the basics of life, fought with'em and later made friends again! Not my blood brothers, but a lot more than that. And an ode to friendship lying well over-stretched beyond my vision!


Here I am sitting with my laptop working my way through, listening to some Bengali track. And how much I wish that I could go back to those times, and just live those moments once more. I am quite sure we all would want to go back to those school days (save a few, of whom I would rather not speak).
Add to that, the last time I checked the “Science Frontier”, we surely hadn’t come up with any sorta time machine. And what exactly would it look like,I mean m not talking of those conventional asshole “Love story 2050” type one’s. Am talking logic and science and time space equation along with. And m not ruling out space bending theory as well.

Hmmm.. but then I would question myself, whats the point of taking up so much of trouble. Yes, now that we come to the point. Why on earth would i take sooo much of trouble to go all the way to those years?? Not that m not having much fun now!! However the logical deduction comes around to the point that its not about that fun, but only getting rid of all this responsibilities. C’mon, now haven’t we all been dying to grow up, and have our live all to ourself!!

Admit it people..!!  Its true!! We have lived to grow up and and we now wanna go back back to those times. Had I been, but an distant observer. I would point my fingers at you all and laugh my ass off nd say “What fuckin frickle minded guys these are!!”

But as the scenario presents itself,m one among you in this play as well. Now come to think about it, its not all about that fun, but also those few things we always thought wish we could get it right. I guess almost all of us have got that secret, that secret craving for having making that thing right, no matter whatever it be.  May be getting that xam paper right or perhaps getting to take the right decision for college or course, or maybe not letting that special one go. Yes, just letting that person know how much important she was. Just forgetting that self inflating ego at that point of time. Just being there with her, and not with some stupid project person, and just not giving it up by just saying that Long distance relationships don really work! It all rotates around that tiny winy “just”.

Someone said, “The one that goes away always looks good”.

So, should we just let go. Hoping to forget all that and still stalking their profile on Facebook. Wondering whether to hit that “Send friendship request” window!

Tell you what. We humans are indeed a pathetically funny lot. All bloody single one of us. Hell I got shit load work to do, we know tomorrow morning its going to be the same routinely affair, yet we console ourself thinking of those older times. Funny lot we humans are!